Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Musings

My busy weeks are almost over. Spring break is coming up and I'll have a temporary hiatus from grading. Though I teach history online, it's still a busy, demanding gig. I've been up to my ears in papers, quizzes, and formulating midterms...especially since I put off some of it in order to do my research, tend to my finally fixed ceiling...or just read, watch Fraiser, play solitaire, now blogging. Last night I got particularly caught up watching the Oscars. It's a bit silly, really. I hardly keep up with movies, so I'm not sure what I was watching it for; it's not as if I were rooting for any film or actor in particular.The only movie I saw that was up for any nominations was Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life and Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris. Both were good films. I liked Midnight in Paris much better. I found the portrayal of Hemingway, Dali, Picasso...all the historical characters, very amusing.
Last year's ceremony was great. The King's Speech won "best picture." The King's Speech is a terrific film. I don't love it just because I'm a history buff. It's a genuinely well-done movie with a great cast, cinematogoraphy, soundtrack...I could just go on and on. What I will do is post my favorite track from the film:

I like to play this song while "cooking" and/or eating. I bet this makes me seem like a freak who finds grandeur in mundane tasks, or like a pretentious snob...but keep in mind I mainly eat frozen dinners, jarred pasta, and low-key chicken dishes. Alone in my apartment. If I could get over my OCD, I think I actually would host dinner parties and invite my colleagues I admire most. Or old friends from university. Until then, if I ever overcome it, I eat processed foods with the company of my television or a novel. Which doesn't strike me as being particularly pretentious.

This was a refreshing break from reading student's research on the boom of industrialization. Unfortunately, however, I must get back to it.


  1. My mom says that we have to do things we don't like or want to do. I think that you should have the dinner party. You may surprise yourself and find it tolerable to be with people

  2. Midnight in Paris was so good. Woody Allen is so terrific.

  3. Lillian,

    Your mom is right. I also think you may be right about the dinner party. I've been doing my best to take better care of myself, and things are going in a good direction for me right now. Hopefully having people over is something that could happy in the somewhat near future.

    And hello other blogger! Midnight in Paris was great. As odd a guy Woody Allen is, I've always loved his work. I love watching "Manhattan" during stormy days, for whatever reason. Must be because my mother used to, so we'd all pile in the den and join her.

  4. Throw a freaking giant party. Do it this weekend. Invite all your old friends over, get some great wine, put on that kick-ass song, and just do it.
    I know you can't just get over your OCD, but at least give it a little bit of a hard time. If you manage to enjoy yourself for even a minute, it's worth it.
